Sell your products on GRAFIK STASH
Join the coolest gang of digital creators and start earning passive income with your work.

earn passive income

over 10K downloads

hustle free setup
Why Collaborate with GRAFIK STASH?
Global exposure and over 10k downloads
Reach out to our continuously growing community of top design agencies, studios and designers from all over the world. Get mentioned in our newsletter and social media channels.

super simple setup
The only thing you need is a Gumroad account. Just send over the files and we’ll take care of the rest, including marketing, SEO and social media content on our growing channels.
very generous compensation
You’ll get 50% of the sales. Most of the design marketplaces only offer 30% or less. We appreciate your hustle, so we offer you more.

How to get started?
send us a sample
Send us 2 or 3 files for products that you would like to sell on GRAFIK STASH. Make sure it’s your best work. You can send it over via WeTransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive.

Quality Check
If your samples match our quality standards, we’ll get back to you and discuss the product lineup.

we showcase your products
You’ll get a creator page (like this one) with your products and then we’ll make sure it gets the best SEO score. Additionally, we’ll also share your products on our social media channels and newsletter.

you start earning
That’s it. Now you can just enjoy your passive earnings. You will always have a clear overview of your sales and payouts in your Gumroad dashboard.

become a
grafik stash creator
What is Gumroad?
Gumroad is the platform we use for the checkout. It enables us to share all the data with you and to easily manage sales and payouts.
How do I create a Gumroad acocunt?
It’s super easy, you can sign up with your email address right on the Gumroad website.
Gumroad is in charge of the payments, not us. So you will get paid every Friday directly to your personal bank account or your PayPal. Some terms apply depending on your country. You can read more about Gumroad payouts here.
Will GRAFIK STASH own the rights for my work?
No, your work will stay forever yours. However, we will add our License Agreement to all the products listed on our website.